SkinPen Microneedling

Don't let stretch marks, neck wrinkles, or facial acne scars hold you back from feeling confident in your own skin. With SkinPen, you can reclaim your body and feel empowered with a renewed sense of confidence.

How does It Work?

SkinPen creates hundreds to thousands of “micro” skin punctures per second to stimulate the skin’s natural wound healing process – inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling – to prompt tissue remodeling without causing scar tissue formation. Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 hours.


What You Can Expect

  • Clinically proven safe and effective
  • Ideal any time of the year
  • 90% of subjects in a clinical trial said they would recommend SkinPen treatment to friends and family.
  • Protects the patients and delivers clinically proven results



SkinPen Precision

Before & After Care

After Your Treatment:
  • For the first 24 hours, apply only the Lift Gel (all white tube) that you were given after your treatment. Ensure you apply it with clean hands.
  • You can cleanse your skin with tepid water 18 hours post treatment. Please ensure youre cleanser is mild.
  • 24-hours post treatment, apply Rescue Complex that you were provided to nourish and protect the skin.
  • Stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours, including in your house as UV rays are also harmful when they come through the windows.
  • You can apply sunscreen and make up 24-hours post treatment. We suggest waiting 48 hours if you wear anything other than mineral make up and mineral sunscreen protection.
  • Avoid heat and steam on your skin for the first 24 hours. This includes showers, dish washers, etc.
  • Sleep with clean pillow cases the evening of the treatment.
  • Avoid sleeping with pets for 24 hours.
  • You can resume the use of active products at the 72 hours mark if the inflammation from treatment has subsided. Do not use harsh exfoliants for at least one week.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise that produces heat and sweat in the skin for 72 hours.

Treatment Pricing

  • Face: $275
  • Face, Neck, & Decollete: $325

Book Your Appointment Today

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Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Spots on your skin can limit your ability to enjoy yourself. Whether dark spots on hands, freckles on shoulders, or age/sun spots on the face, you can rest assured that an Excel HR treatment has you covered.

Acne Treatment

A future without worrying about your acne is only a set of quick, 30-minute treatments away. A first of its kind device, AviClear is a laser treatment that specifically targets the source of acne, the oily substance on your skin. After treatment, your acne will improve, and stay improved.

Laser Hair Removal

Avoid the time, money and hassle of a lifetime spent on shaving or waxing. With Excel hair removal, you can achieve silkier, smoother, beautifully bare skin in a few easy treatments and feel more confident about your body.

Vascular Lesions Treatment

Whether mild or severe, varicose and spider veins can be downright embarrassing. A laser vein treatment can safely and effectively treat unsightly veins on men and women of all skin tones.

Limited Time Offers


Option to buy now and use later.
Financing Available!